
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Meanwhile, back at the rainforest . . . .

Maruchen, the top seller (67%) of ramen noodles in the US (if you eat Ramen Noodles or “Instant Lunch” you eat this stuff) is at the top of the worst “laggards” in adhering to any policies regarding palm oil sourcing and rainforest destruction.


A few months ago I reported on the “Snack Food 20,” that group of enormously wealthy global food producers/sellers who used inordinate amounts of conflict palm oil in their products.  Rainforest Action Network held a series of campaigns and several companies (including Dunkin Donuts, bless them) responded, vowing to eliminate this unnecessary additive from their products and ceasing to support forest destruction and the devastation of indigenous communities in, predominantly, Africa and Indonesia.

The world loses approximately 80,000 acres of rainforest every day.  It’s been estimated that at least 6,000 of that is in Aceh, due to palm oil expansion.

Visit RAN’s website to find out how the other scofflaws are doing.  But at the moment, noting tops Ramen noodles, owned by Toyo Suisan Kaisha of Japan, and only boycotts and your voice can stop them.

Conflict Palm Oil In An Instant: Activists Call On Instant Noodle Giant to Clean Up Its Supply Chain

The companies need to adopt a “truly responsible global palm oil procurement policy, which requires fully traceable, legally produced palm oil, and eliminates sourcing from companies which are destroying rainforests or carbon-rich peatlands, stealing community lands or violating human and workers’ rights.”

But the bulldozers aren’t owned by Maruchen, Heinz or PepsiCo; they’re owned by the companies who provide the palm oil to them, and they are going to keep churning up the forests as long as the manufacturers are selling their products to . . . us.

It’s a losing battle for the rainforests and the cocoa farmers in Aceh unless you help.

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