
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Looks like working for the Supreme Court has its advantages!

My “Indonesia Correspondent” writes:

“If you think the thousand-guest-plus opera-singer wedding that our friend H. attended last month in Hanoi was excessive, let me translate this tidbit for you:

[from the Jakarta Society Pages, I imagine!]

The Secretary of the Supreme Court Nurhadi celebrated the wedding of his child (note: no mention of the gender) at the luxurious Mulia Hotel (in Jakarta), where each of the 2,500 guests were given a 2GB IPod Shuffle in a personalized teak box wrapped with a brown ribbon. Each cost about $US60, so the total amount spent on party favors alone was $150,000US. [a lovely photo of the boxed Ipod was also included—use your imaginations.]
Then of course there was the hotel and food bill cost, etc.
Also in each box, guests were given an electronic pass card to the reception. [I bet they were!]

Well, Indonesia is much larger than Vietnam, right? 

No further comments from over here . . . . :)"

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